It belongs to the Lord

“The earth is the Lord’s and all it contains, the world and all who live in it.”
(Psalm 24:1)

This short verse presents us with a profound fact that seldom impacts our everyday lives. All we are and all we possess does not belong to us, it belongs to the Lord.  If you were to make up a personal balance sheet of all you own, the page should be blank.  You are merely caretakers of someone else’s property and our task as caretakers is to manage that property according to the wishes of the Owner. 

 When was the last time you talked to the Owner about what you were doing with His stuff? As a good and faithful steward, we want to use all that He has entrusted to us wisely and carefully for His purpose and for His glory.  Think about it. We are given the freedom and responsibility to respond to God’s infinite generosity!

 We have a choice. We can walk through this life believing that we are entitled to our wealth and possessions. (The fruits of this behavior are fear, insecurity and a spot on the TV show “Hoarders”) Or we could enter into a way of life that acknowledges God’s generosity and responds generously. May your response to God’s generosity bring you closer to God each and every day.

 See you Sunday!

Cordova Pres