Christ is Risen!
Christ is Risen!
He is Risen Indeed!
This past Sunday churches worldwide echoed this Easter proclamation. But what does it mean for us today? Yes, the promise of unconditional love and eternal salvation given freely by the creator of the universe. But how does that impact THIS day. After all, its just Wednesday.
We live this life, as Christians, secure in the promise that we are safely enfolded into God’s love and forgiveness. Christ lived, taught, made disciples then willingly suffered and died. On the third day he rose again from the dead. Death is defeated. My question for you today is this; “Now what?” Today is just another Wednesday.
In my journey with Christ, I have struggled with the tension between resting securely in God’s love while simultaneously responding to Love’s call to action. You see, the resurrection of Christ was not God’s final act here on earth. In many ways it was a beginning. Christ is at work reshaping creation. Reshaping history. Reshaping us. We, the church, are to respond. We are to engage with Christ in this re-creation.
Now is not the time to sit back and relax. Christ is at work here and now. Today. I assure you that if you engage with Christ in this work, this will NOT be just another Wednesday. Christ is Risen!
See you Sunday!